~ Jesus ~
The ultimate and final sacrifice for all.
This is how I break it down for people to let them understand. In the Old testament they had sacrifice of their best animal. The blood is not what sacrifice is about. Sacrifice is to give something up. In the case of the Old Testament when they sacrificed an animal it was their best animal as an offering for basically an apology. That's why they "burned" it (cooked it) for God. Imagine it like making dinner for someone as an apology. That changed when Jesus came. God already owns everything and can have whatever He wants without us, so no sacrifice was or would ever have been good enough to cover all sins, until He sent Jesus.
Imagine it like this, God knew that there would be no other sacrifice good enough to cover every person. He looked down upon His creation and said to Himself "look at all the evil that is being committed by the people who I have created for good, but they have abused it. Man has never gotten things 100% right because they try to justify evil.
I will have to go down there and teach them myself the right ways so that they can know what true righteousness is. I know they will kill Me for it, but I'm willing to make that sacrifice"
His "Son" (which is actually God's persona in a form that would be relatable to us because we learn best by example) was "sacrificed" (given up for a purpose, knowing people would try to destroy Him) for us to have God's Spirit be divided to dwell within the believer so He could teach us right from wrong from within. He literally has His Spirit enter into us to dwell with our own spirit. So when people say we are "saved by the blood" it's because it was the shedding of Jesus' blood that allowed the process to include everyone who believes because God's Spirit is everywhere.
Covid Vaccines – Voluntary Euthanasia? Bilderberg Book Spills Beans…
satan's Demon Amoebas In The VAX!!!

Taiwan death from COVID-19 vaccination exceeds death from COVID-19

Covid Vaccines – Voluntary Euthanasia? Bilderberg Book Spills Beans…
13 reasons why you should not allow your child to get the Covid-19 Vaccine

ANNOUNCEMENT JUST HAD A NEW PROPHETIC DREAM it was like 1 of the dreams I used to remember when I left the body to do work in the parallel this time I was on the ark. Description: imagine if Noah's ark was still sitting around all these years they were fixing it up to get ready to go!!!

Every time I say this on twitter I get suspended. I worked with a man, who's wife makes vaccines in NH. SHE said that the vaccines DO cause autism!!
You can’t sue Pfizer or Moderna if you have severe Covid vaccine side effects. The government likely won’t compensate you for damages either https://www.cnbc.com/2020/12/16/covid-vaccine-side-effects-compensation-lawsuit.html

of the beast

Suburban school district cancels classes after 125 teachers, staff call off from vaccine side effects

Official data shows 8 times as many people have died due to the Covid Vaccines in 6 months than people who have died of Covid-19 in 18 months
Pete Hegseth: We 'made a deal with the devil' allowing the Taliban to take over Afghanistan
Hegseth said the death of 13 US troops in Afghanistan was the result of this 'deal with the devil'

Shocking Compilation of Vaccine Side Effects Shows Neurological and Pulmonary Damage

Study finds link between COVID-19 deaths and
END OF 2019!!!)
Fauci: ‘No doubt’ Trump will face surprise infectious disease outbreak
→January 11, 2017←




Japan has discovered what is probably 3 different variants of the Pfizer shot
"This can’t happen if not intentional. Japan discovered: 1. Shots with pink stuff in them. 2. Shots with black stuff in them. 3. Shots with shiny metallic magnetic stuff in them. And it was not just a few shots, it was millions that had EACH PROBLEM. That means it was not a problem......"
New Discovery Shows Human Cells Can Write RNA Sequences Into DNA – Challenges Central Principle in Biology

Proposed bann on Bible and Jesus' name!!

Dr. Richard Fleming warns that Fauci, NIH have already developed the NEXT bioweapon to be released with HIV-like capabilities that suppress human immunity https://archive.is/amg5R

Disabling parts of the brain with magnets can weaken faith in God and change attitudes to immigrants, study finds
By shutting down the threat-processing centre of the brain, scientists weakened people's faith in God and made them less prejudiced
Thursday 15 October 2015

Japan discovers “magnetic” substance in Pfizer covid vaccines; journalists start DYING from the vax they pushed https://archive.is/NfyAW
Scientists develop low-cost, graphene-based method to remove uranium from drinking water
Scientists Developed Magnetic Nanoparticles that can Remotely Modulate Neural Circuits


Neuralink Competitor Synchron Receives FDA's Green Light for Human Trials
Maverick scientist thinks he has discovered a magnetic sixth sense in humans

About the Wake Up Christians Coalition
The Wake Up Christian Coalition began as an idea I was given by the Holy Spirit. At 30 years old I began to go to Church and study the Bible with a thirst for the truth. When I was given a name for the ministry, I was not sure what to do with it. My first idea was to ask people from my church if they would like to go out and get people's attention to Jesus. When I told the idea to our Pastor, He said that I shouldn't be doing that since I was not married at the tie to who is now my husband. (Jesus said that when you have Him in your heart, He tells you right from wrong. Love is always the answer and fornication means having multiple partners. If you Love someone, Jesus knows that and if it would break your heart to be away from them He understands that. Read all of His words in particular and you will see He says Love is always the answer. What would Jesus do means what would Love do therefore I was deeply hurt that the Pastor said that to me because anyone who speaks in the name of Jesus for Love and according to His word, are accepted by Him. Next time I went to church they had a guest speaker who literally said "anyone can spread Jesus name, everyone who would like to go out and spread His name, come up to the alter. Therefore He was saying a direct contradiction to what the Pastor had said. I left the Church in tears and did not return because they judged me then embarrassed me by giving me a conundrum. After that I tried a bunch of times o go out and just talk to people. We found a new church and I had been studying my first time reading thruogh the Bible which that church had given to me. The new church (my husbands cousins go to ) had cards we could pass out. The Pastor of that church did my Baptism (YAY!) and also gave us a King James version of the Bible. I gave out cards sometimes for the church but the more I studied, the more I realised that Pastors are teaching what they were taught but not teaching correctly Jesus' WHOLE point, Love trumps Law! That pastor said some things that I didn't agree with because studying made the Lord open my eyes. To see we are now in the End Times! Now we give out Bibles to people in Jacksonville, FL to whoever needs one and to random strangers. My ministry has lead me to this YOutube channel. I was shown the Rapture in a dream but was not allowed to remember it until the right time. This is the time! If you go to any of my Youtube videos the description will explain my entire prophetic experience regarding that dream and my videos are of the Signs In The Sun that Jesus is coming soon. John and Ezekile had visions of what would be seen in the end times. They were only able to describe what they saw in spirit, so they described it the best they could. Those signs are now projecting from the Sun and all is explained WITH scripture in my videos about the Signs In The Sun. When I began collecting these pictures, the Lord showed me some amazing things. Jesus said that the wicked generation that is searching for a sign will not see one BUT He also said that we who have Him in us will see that it is the season of His return because of the things happening in the World. NOW is that time rapture could be any day in the blink of an eye without warning. I stopped going o that church because they treated me like I was crazy when I tried to show them the pictures. I had to begin this journey of creating and sharing these videos so that people can see the signt that God is showing us. Whoever sees these videos and understands them and believes them must have their eyes open because it is truth. I work hard (all glory to God) to make these videosfor the Lord to fulfill my purpose.
Contact me if you need prayer, if you would like to help collect pictures of the signs in the sun from your home comtputer to put into the videos, or if you live in Jacksonville and would like to have a free Bible.
Rapture - What I know
Matthew 24:40; Then shall two be in the field; the one shall be taken, and the other left.
41 Two women shall be grinding at the mill; the one shall be taken, and the other left.
42 Watch therefore: for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come.
Jesus IS Coming Soon!! I know because He showed me the rapture around 2010 and at the time i didn't know anything about the rapture. the dream was in the house that I live in today but had never seen before and it had one of the dogs I have now that had not even been born yet. I know that I remember correctly because I had told my husband about the dream when I had it and He remembers it. I know it was in this time frame (a time frame can be long as even a year or more but I know this, He has used me for warnings, these signs are His warning!) because in the dream there was also a brown dog but I didn't know why but I knew it was not my dog. and a month or two ago there was a brown dog who started trying to live under my house. I felt bad for him so I let him in since I couldn't stop him I might as well have fed him so he stopped eating our trash. Since then he has been hit by a car, but that dog triggered a vivid memory of the dream. In the dream I was walking out of my house to my car and all of a sudden I started lifting up into the sky. When I woke up I somehow knew it was the rapture even though I knew nothing about it and I told my husband all these things. Which I know is true because I He has given me dreams before that which happened exactly like the dream, the first one I had was a warning that stopped me from breaking my leg when I was in girl scouts. Jesus IS coming soon so take up your cross and follow Him before it's too late!!!
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The Wake Up Christians Coalition on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/wakeupchristianscoalition/?ref=aymt_homepage_panel